Pastry Chef Jina Kim

In high school, there was a girl who would bring baked goods to youth group all the time. These weren’t just any old brownies from the $0.99 boxed cake mix, but quality noms made from scratch.

I remember staring in awe at the beautiful creations (remember when fancy schmancy cupcakes were in?) she’d bring in. She loved to celebrate people. On birthdays, you could expect a masterpiece she had poured her heart into.

That was Jina. Selfless, serving, loving. Majorly talented.

After high school, she went to pursue her passion and studied at a culinary school in Pasadena. She did the unthinkable! For anyone with a tint of yellow in their skin (read: Asian), going to school for something other than “purely academics” is completely outside of the cultural norm. I’m so proud of this boss lady for bravely pursuing what made her come alive.

Fast forward years of hard work and diligence, and here she is today: pastry chef at Alexander’s Patisserie. I got to document Jina living out her dream come true. What an honor to celebrate her.